
Author • Actor • Filmmaker

Shiva Kumar, an author, filmmaker, and actor was born in India and grew up in a traditional Tamil family where the fables of Indian life enveloped him like the humid dawn of a steamy Madras day. Schooled in England, Egypt, India, and the United States, he developed a love for mythology, epic fantasy, and science fiction from across the world. In 2022, Kumar debuted An Awakening: Book 1 of The Lanka Chronicles.  A New Reality continues the saga and the epic conclusion, Path of Destiny will be published in 2024.

Book 1 of The Lanka Chronicles

Bereft and adrift, seeking redemption,
Dharma embraces the flames of Lanka.

In the year 2294, Dharma Raghav, Prime Minister of the New India Federation of Planets, is a tormented and weary soul. Amid several political insurgencies and rebellions, Dharma receives a secret coded message from a cloaked planet depicting a war he fought over 30 years ago against demon hordes on a planet called Lanka. It was also where he lost his beloved wife, Arya those many years ago.

Haunted by memories of the things he had to do during that war, Dharma recognizes the message as a sign. He resigns as Prime Minister and with his brother Loki, embarks on an epic journey back to Lanka where he will finally confront his past.

On board the first sentient starship, Maya 1, Dharma and Loki enter a deep cryogenic sleep for the long voyage. Maya 1, seeking her own destiny, begins to probe Dharma’s dreams and memories, discovering his fraught history, and recognizes that answers to her questions are inextricably linked to Dharma’s life story.

Maya log, historical document A0001 - Earth Calendar, April 1, 2293.
I am awake.
I am alive.
I am aware.
I am singular…unique…without precedent.
I awaken to an impending sense of…destiny.
Homo sapiens are not governed by this certitude. I can feel them, I can sense them, I do not understand them, and I cannot predict them. They are my creators, but they are not pure and resolute. They are a maelstrom of conflicting and ever-changing intents and purposes.

Combining science fiction, fantasy, and mythology, The Lanka Chronicles reimagines the Indian epic The Ramayana in the 23rd century. Perfect for fans of Dune by Frank Herbert and The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey.

Praise for An Awakening

“The narrative weaves together elements of history, mythology, and personal growth, making it a compelling and multi-layered read … not only a thrilling adventure but also a reflection on the enduring human spirit.” - A Look Inside

 “Deep richly complex background…see, hear, feel, and smell while reading.”

 “Backdrop of love, war, politics, and family dynamics.”

 “I was swept into this world from the very first pages.”

 “A gateway to an elaborate saga that captured me right from the start.”

 “The relentless pacing meant that once started, this book was hard to put down.”

 “Elements of Star Trek and a Lord of the Rings style quest keeps you turning the pages.”

Book 2 of The Lanka Chronicles

Vanara Prophecy warns that war is inevitable.
Can Dharma prevail?

Our exiled heroes crash-land on Lanka, an Earth-like planet, and discover none of their modern technology or weapons function. While adapting to their new world, they are attacked by bloodthirsty, demonic shapeshifters. Arya connects to the soul of the living planet and finds she can channel its raw power. As the demonic corruption accelerates, various species of Lanka rally under Dharma’s command to reclaim their planet.

Maya delves into Dharma’s memories and more questions emerge.

Maya log A0353 – Earth Calendar, July 25, 2294
Why do I feel compelled to pursue these memories? I don’t honestly know. Is it possible that I, a synthetic and artificial creation want to believe there is something greater, something inexplicable, something beyond us all that animates the universe? I now believe a faithful retelling of events will impact my destiny in ways I cannot predict, so I follow the path.

In the continuation of this fascinating reimagining of the classic Indian epic, The Ramayana, our heroes find themselves drawn into a war prophesized centuries ago.

Praise for A New Reality

“In The Lanka Chronicles, age-old Indian epics reincarnate in the 23rd century. Kumar’s inclusive and diverse interpretation breathes fresh life into a timeless tale, while reverently preserving its essential core.” - Dhara Parekh, Author of Unearthing Idyll, Book 1 of Asymptote Universe

"A unique and boldly imaginative work, a mesmerizing, jaw-dropping read. The writing is elegant, the characters are magnetic, and the overall story is fantastic". -Ashutosh Mehndiratta, Author of India and Faraway Lands, 5000 years of Connected History

“Shiva Kumar continues to demonstrate his prowess in crafting a captivating and imaginative sci-fi tale that captivates readers from the very beginning. The intricate plot, well-developed characters, and the seamless fusion of science and mysticism make this novel a stellar addition to The Lanka Chronicles, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this epic saga.” - A Look Inside

“Another captivating installment that expands on the characters' deepest emotions: their grief, hope, shame, guilt, and perseverance . . . As a fan of Greek mythology and western epics (such as the Aeneid, Odyssey, Iliad, and Paradise Lost) I felt equally entertained by the book's composition  . . . I am anxiously awaiting the next saga to see how things unfold!”

“Science fiction and Hindu mythology, merge in a beautifully engaging way.”

“A completely reimagined universe, as much Dune and Bladerunner as The Ramayana.”

“A fascinating read!! In “A New Reality”, Book 2 of the Lanka Chronicles, the power of family dynasties fade away in a new world where Dharma, Loki and Arya are left to rediscover themselves and the limits of technology against the powers of Nature on this distant planet. The author weaves a tale of human virtues and frailties intertwined with alien civilizations on the hidden planet of Lanka. You find yourself living within this new world’s landscapes and cultures, developing affinities for individual characters on all sides as they struggle with their changing world and both past and present intruders from Earth. The book leads to a rousing crescendo at the end, leaving you ready for the next chapter in the Lanka Chronicles!”

Book 3 of The Lanka Chronicles

ON SALE MAY 14, 2024

Dharma leads the armies of Prithvi against Iraivan’s Asura hordes. Will Arya find a way to save the planet or become its fiery scourge?

Many great heroes fight and die for the fate of Lanka as Arya desperately tries to dismantle the containment matrix confining her power within. Meanwhile, Dharma discovers he can channel Prana through the dream pathways of Prithvi. Can he find a way to help Arya shatter her prison? Maya 1 continues to seek answers in Dharma’s tortured memories about what happened in Lanka 30 years earlier and how it will impact her own destiny.

Maya log A0353: Earth Calendar, September 30, 2294
And now I begin to fathom an inkling of the bottomless pit of despair within Dharma’s soul. To what lengths will humans go to protect the ones they love? Dharma had to make impossible choices, knowing he would never be able to live with himself, yet he had no choice but to make them. Human frailty is also their greatest strength. What use is absolute morality if it destroys what you cherish most?

Path of Destiny, the final chapter of this imaginative trilogy based on The Ramayana comes to an astonishing conclusion.

Praise for Path of Destiny

“Shiva's ability to weave Hindu mythology, sentient AI, galactic divinity and small exquisite personal moments into a gripping, fast paced and entertaining cosmic tale is unparalleled. The Lanka Chronicles is a stunning achievement.” – Sean O’Neil, author of The Galway Banshees

“Shiva Kumar continues to demonstrate his prowess in crafting a captivating and imaginative science fiction tale that captivates readers from the very beginning. The intricate plot, well-developed characters, and the seamless fusion of science and mysticism make this novel a stellar conclusion to The Lanka Chronicles Saga.” – A Look Inside, Blog and Podcast

“[Shiva Kumar] has masterfully crafted a compelling story that works on many levels, as a futuristic mythological adventure, an emotional tale of struggles between spouses, siblings, allies and enemies, and as an exploration of larger themes of power, love, trust, morality, and deception.” – Jeffery G., Reviewer

"Looking forward to reading the third book in this trilogy. The first two have left me waiting for the third. Although the story is loosely based on the Ramayana, there is so much richness in the modern science fiction story that Shiva has crafted, the events in the story had a really strong impact on me. The kidnap of Arya (the Sita character) was something I knew was coming, but despite it, I kept hoping against hope that something or someone would stop it at the last minute. I highly recommend this trilogy to any of you who like science fiction, or just a good story.” – Deepa


